Accreditation Works

Accredited Plumbing Contractors

Vic Plumbing & Drainage are proud to be certified Yarra Valley Water accredited contractors and Greater Western Water accredited contractors

Yarra Valley Water accredited contractors

For development projects requiring the construction of new water and sewerage infrastructure, including water tapping projects and works on active water assetsdevelopers are required to use a Yarra Valley Water Accredited Consultant. Only accredited contractors are permitted to undertake certain works within Yarra Valley Water’s area of responsibility.

Vic Plumbing & Drainage are accredited live sewer contractors meaning that we have the necessary qualifications, capabilities, technical expertise to undertake water tapping projects, as well as works in the accredited work categories below.

Greater Western Water accredited contractors

We are proud to be accredited contractors with Greater Western Water (formerly known as City West Water accredited contractors).

This accreditation authorises our qualified accredited contractors to perform plumbing works and water tapping on live water and sewerage assets within Greater Western Water’s service area.

With this accreditation, we are able to monitor the quality of work provided to our clients and ensure that any work carried out is always safe and compliant with legal and industry standards.

Our accreditation categories

Vic Plumbing & Drainage have the management capability, qualifications, expertise, and experience as well as technical capability to carry out the categories of accredited work identified below.

We are accredited in the following accreditation work categories:

CompanyConstructionAsset Category
Vic Plumbing & DrainageSC8Live Sewer Works – Property Service Connections
WC1Reticulation Water Mains ≤ DN280


Vic Plumbing & Drainage recognises its responsibility under the relevant state acts and associated legislation

We are also accredited and registered for:

ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems

ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management

ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System Standard

PAS99:2012 – Integrated Management System

yarra valley water & greater western water accredited contractors